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12-1401 Establishment or acquisition in cities or townships; condemnation of land. - 12-1401. Establishment or acquisition in cities or townships; condemnation of...
12-1401a Same; definition. - 12-1401a. Same; definition. As used in article 14 of chapter...
12-1402 Same; care and control; moneys. - 12-1402. Same; care and control; moneys. Lands acquired for cemetery...
12-1403 Same; township tax levy for site; limitation. - 12-1403. Same; township tax levy for site; limitation. For the...
12-1404 Same; townships may join in procuring lands. - 12-1404. Same; townships may join in procuring lands. Any two...
12-1405 Cemeteries in cities; tax levy. - 12-1405. Cemeteries in cities; tax levy. All cities owning and...
12-1406 Cities and townships may purchase land of cemetery association; notice of purchase; protest. - 12-1406. Cities and townships may purchase land of cemetery association;...
12-1407 Same; purchase of adjoining land; tax levy, use of proceeds. - 12-1407. Same; purchase of adjoining land; tax levy, use of...
12-1408 Endowment fund. - 12-1408. Endowment fund. In all cities and private corporations owning...
12-1409 Same; contributions. - 12-1409. Same; contributions. Any city or corporation, upon a majority...
12-1410 Same; use and investment of funds. - 12-1410. Same; use and investment of funds. All funds raised...
12-1411 Same; bonds of custodians of funds. - 12-1411. Same; bonds of custodians of funds. In all cities...
12-1412 Improvements connecting outside city. - 12-1412. Improvements connecting outside city. The governing body in the...
12-1413 Same; bonds. - 12-1413. Same; bonds. Whenever the governing body of any city...
12-1414 Same; tax levies. - 12-1414. Same; tax levies. The governing body shall provide for...
12-1415 Same; bond election, when. - 12-1415. Same; bond election, when. No bonds shall be issued...
12-1416 Transfer of management of association to city or township. - 12-1416. Transfer of management of association to city or township....
12-1417 Same; election; debts. - 12-1417. Same; election; debts. Any city or township may, by...
12-1418 Same; trustee for funds; nonliability. - 12-1418. Same; trustee for funds; nonliability. Any city or township...
12-1419 Same; records; deeds in trust. - 12-1419. Same; records; deeds in trust. The city clerk, or...
12-1419a Disposition of property for burial purposes. - 12-1419a. Disposition of property for burial purposes. Any disposition of...
12-1419b Acquisition by gift in city or township, when. - 12-1419b. Acquisition by gift in city or township, when. The...
12-1419c Same; effect. - 12-1419c. Same; effect. After such cemetery is transferred and accepted...
12-1420 Cemetery board; appointment; salary of secretary. - 12-1420. Cemetery board; appointment; salary of secretary. Any city may,...
12-1422 Same; term of office; removal; vacancies. - 12-1422. Same; term of office; removal; vacancies. Said directors shall...
12-1423 Same; organization. - 12-1423. Same; organization. Said directors shall, immediately after their appointment,...
12-1424 Same; treasurer; term; bond. - 12-1424. Same; treasurer; term; bond. It shall be the duty...
12-1425 Same; sexton and assistants. - 12-1425. Same; sexton and assistants. They shall have power to...
12-1426 Same; annual reports. - 12-1426. Same; annual reports. Said board of directors shall, on...
12-1427 Same; abolishment of board; election; petition, when. - 12-1427. Same; abolishment of board; election; petition, when. Any city...
12-1428 Revestment of title; procedure. - 12-1428. Revestment of title; procedure. (a) Whenever any city or...
12-1429 Same; conditions; notice to nonresidents. - 12-1429. Same; conditions; notice to nonresidents. Whenever it is determined...
12-1430 Same; record of proceedings. - 12-1430. Same; record of proceedings. All such notices with the...
12-1431 Same; actions to determine title. - 12-1431. Same; actions to determine title. If for thirty days...
12-1432 Same; abandonment by grantee or holder. - 12-1432. Same; abandonment by grantee or holder. In all such...
12-1433 Same; judgment may be recorded. - 12-1433. Same; judgment may be recorded. A certified copy of...
12-1434 Same; description; ingress and egress. - 12-1434. Same; description; ingress and egress. Such notice and all...
12-1435 Same; perpetual care contracts exempt. - 12-1435. Same; perpetual care contracts exempt. This act shall not...
12-1436 Same; title reinvested in city or township; reconveyance to lot holder, when. - 12-1436. Same; title reinvested in city or township; reconveyance to...
12-1437 Authority to accept trust funds. - 12-1437. Authority to accept trust funds. Cities owning cemeteries are...
12-1438 Same; investment and use of income. - 12-1438. Same; investment and use of income. Upon receipt of...
12-1439 Same; ordinance required. - 12-1439. Same; ordinance required. This act shall apply only to...
12-1440 Revestment of title to lots; procedure. - 12-1440. Revestment of title to lots; procedure. (a) For the...
12-1441 Prevention of unintended cemetery uses by cities or counties; definitions. - 12-1441. Prevention of unintended cemetery uses by cities or counties;...
12-1442 Hillside cemetery district territory within city of Valley Center deannexed from the cemetery district. - 12-1442. Hillside cemetery district territory within city of Valley Center...