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12-11a01 Law enforcement services in certain counties; tax levy, use of proceeds; adoption and publication of resolution; protest petition and election. - 12-11a01. Law enforcement services in certain counties; tax levy, use...
12-11a02 Same; special law enforcement fund; use of proceeds from tax levy. - 12-11a02. Same; special law enforcement fund; use of proceeds from...
12-11a03 Law enforcement services in certain cities; tax levy, use of proceeds; adoption and publication of ordinance; protest petition and election. - 12-11a03. Law enforcement services in certain cities; tax levy, use...
12-11a04 Same; special law enforcement fund; use of moneys. - 12-11a04. Same; special law enforcement fund; use of moneys. All...
12-11a05 Tax levies and expenditures not subject to limitations of tax lid. - 12-11a05. Tax levies and expenditures not subject to limitations of...
12-11a06 Special police or law enforcement protection in certain cities of the third class and townships; contracts for protection; joint law enforcement department. - 12-11a06. Special police or law enforcement protection in certain cities...
12-11a07 Same; tax levies by townships; election. - 12-11a07. Same; tax levies by townships; election. For the purpose...
12-11a08 Same; use and disposition of revenue by townships. - 12-11a08. Same; use and disposition of revenue by townships. All...
12-11a09 Same; tax levy by city, use of proceeds; election required. - 12-11a09. Same; tax levy by city, use of proceeds; election...
12-11a10 Same; joint department, qualification of law enforcement officers. - 12-11a10. Same; joint department, qualification of law enforcement officers. All...
12-11a11 Same; use and disposition of revenue by cities. - 12-11a11. Same; use and disposition of revenue by cities. All...
12-11a12 Tax levies and expenditure of funds by cities exempt from certain limitations. - 12-11a12. Tax levies and expenditure of funds by cities exempt...