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Section 252J.1 - Definitions. - 252J.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context...
Section 252J.2 - Purpose and use. - 252J.2 Purpose and use. 1. Notwithstanding other statutory provisions to...
Section 252J.3 - Notice to individual of potential sanction of license. - 252J.3 Notice to individual of potential sanction of license. The...
Section 252J.4 - Conference. - 252J.4 Conference. 1. The individual may schedule a conference with...
Section 252J.5 - Written agreement. - 252J.5 Written agreement. 1. If an obligor is subject to...
Section 252J.6 - Decision of the unit. - 252J.6 Decision of the unit. 1. If an obligor is...
Section 252J.7 - Certificate of noncompliance — certification to licensing authority. - 252J.7 Certificate of noncompliance — certification to licensing authority. 1....
Section 252J.8 - Requirements and procedures of licensing authority. - 252J.8 Requirements and procedures of licensing authority. 1. A licensing...
Section 252J.9 - District court hearing. - 252J.9 District court hearing. 1. Following the issuance of a...