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Section 251.1 - Definitions. - 251.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter: 1. “Administrator” means...
Section 251.2 - Administration of emergency relief. - 251.2 Administration of emergency relief. The state division, in addition...
Section 251.3 - Powers and duties. - 251.3 Powers and duties. The administrator shall have the power...
Section 251.4 - Grants from state funds to counties. - 251.4 Grants from state funds to counties. The state division...
Section 251.5 - Duties of the service area advisory board. - 251.5 Duties of the service area advisory board. A service...
Section 251.6 - County supervisors to determine relief and work projects. - 251.6 County supervisors to determine relief and work projects. The...
Section 251.7 - County appointees to act as executive officers. - 251.7 County appointees to act as executive officers. The county...