Iowa Code
Section 562A.8 - Notice.

562A.8 Notice.
1. Notices required under this chapter, except those notices identified in section 562A.29A, shall be served as follows:
a. A landlord shall serve notice on a tenant by one or more of the following methods:
(1) Hand delivery to the tenant.
(2) Delivery evidenced by an acknowledgment of delivery that is signed and dated by a resident of the dwelling unit who is at least eighteen years of age. Delivery under this subparagraph shall be deemed to provide notice to all tenants of the dwelling unit.
(3) Personal service pursuant to
rule of civil procedure 1.305, Iowa court rules
, for the personal service of original notice.
(4) Mailing by both regular mail and certified mail, as defined in section 618.15, to the address of the dwelling unit or to an address provided by the tenant for mailing.
(5) Posting on the primary entrance door of the dwelling unit. A notice posted according to this subparagraph shall be posted within the applicable time period for serving notice and shall include the date the notice was posted.
(6) A method of providing notice that results in the notice actually being received by the tenant.
b. A tenant shall serve notice on a landlord by one or more of the following methods:
(1) Hand delivery to the landlord or the landlord’s agent designated under section 562A.13.
(2) Delivery evidenced by an acknowledgment of delivery that is signed and dated by the landlord or the landlord’s agent designated under section 562A.13.
(3) Personal service pursuant to
rule of civil procedure 1.305, Iowa court rules
, for the personal service of original notice.
(4) Delivery to an employee or agent of the landlord at the landlord’s business office.
(5) Mailing by both regular mail and certified mail, as defined in section 618.15, to the address of the landlord’s business office or to an address designated by the landlord for mailing.
(6) A method of providing notice that results in the notice actually being received by the landlord.
2. Notice served by mail under this section is deemed completed four days after the notice is deposited in the mail and postmarked for delivery, whether or not the recipient signs a receipt for the notice.
[C79, 81, §562A.8]
96 Acts, ch 1203, §1, 2; 99 Acts, ch 155, §5, 14; 2010 Acts, ch 1017, §1, 11
Referred to in §562A.30

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 562A.1 - Short title.

Section 562A.2 - Purposes — rules of construction.

Section 562A.3 - Supplementary principles of law applicable.

Section 562A.4 - Administration of remedies — enforcement.

Section 562A.5 - Exclusions from application of chapter.

Section 562A.6 - General definitions.

Section 562A.7 - Unconscionability.

Section 562A.8 - Notice.

Section 562A.8A - Computation of time.

Section 562A.9 - Terms and conditions of rental agreement.

Section 562A.10 - Effect of unsigned or undelivered rental agreement.

Section 562A.11 - Prohibited provisions in rental agreements.

Section 562A.12 - Rental deposits.

Section 562A.13 - Disclosure.

Section 562A.14 - Landlord to supply possession of dwelling unit.

Section 562A.15 - Landlord to maintain fit premises.

Section 562A.16 - Limitation of liability.

Section 562A.17 - Tenant to maintain dwelling unit.

Section 562A.18 - Rules.

Section 562A.19 - Access.

Section 562A.20 - Tenant to use and occupy.

Section 562A.21 - Noncompliance by the landlord — in general.

Section 562A.22 - Failure to deliver possession.

Section 562A.23 - Wrongful failure to supply heat, water, hot water or essential services.

Section 562A.24 - Landlord’s noncompliance as defense to action for possession or rent.

Section 562A.25 - Fire or casualty damage.

Section 562A.26 - Tenant’s remedies for landlord’s unlawful ouster, exclusion, or diminution of service.

Section 562A.27 - Noncompliance with rental agreement — failure to pay rent — violation of federal regulation.

Section 562A.27A - Termination for creating a clear and present danger to others.

Section 562A.27B - Right to summon emergency assistance — waiver of rights.

Section 562A.28 - Failure to maintain.

Section 562A.29 - Remedies for absence, nonuse and abandonment.

Section 562A.29A - Method of service of notice on tenant.

Section 562A.30 - Waiver of landlord’s right to terminate.

Section 562A.31 - Landlord liens — distress for rent.

Section 562A.32 - Remedy after termination.

Section 562A.33 - Recovery of possession limited.

Section 562A.34 - Periodic tenancy — holdover remedies.

Section 562A.35 - Landlord and tenant remedies for abuse of access.

Section 562A.36 - Retaliatory conduct prohibited.

Section 562A.37 - Applicability.