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Chapter 1. Statutes of Limitation Generally
34-11-1-1. Compilation of Statutes of Limitation Not Exhaustive - Sec. 1. This article is not intended to be an...
34-11-1-2. Cause of Action Arising On, Before, or After September 1, 1982 - Sec. 2. (a) A cause of action that: (1) arises...
Chapter 2. Specific Statutes of Limitation
34-11-2-0.5. Actions Upon Deposit Accounts; 2021 Amendments Not a Substantive Change in Law - Sec. 0.5. The amendments to section 9 of this chapter...
34-11-2-1. Employment Related Actions - Sec. 1. An action relating to the terms, conditions, and...
34-11-2-2. Employment Related Action Against the State of Indiana - Sec. 2. An action against the state of Indiana relating...
34-11-2-3. Professional Services Related Actions - Sec. 3. An action of any kind for damages, whether...
34-11-2-4. Injury or Forfeiture of Penalty Actions - Sec. 4. (a) An action for: (1) injury to person...
34-11-2-5. Real Property Recovery Actions - Sec. 5. An action for the recovery of real property...
34-11-2-6. Sheriffs or Public Officers; Actions Growing Out of Liability Incurred During Official Acts or Omissions of Duty - Sec. 6. An action against: (1) a sheriff; (2) another...
34-11-2-7. Six Year Limitation - Sec. 7. The following actions must be commenced within six...
34-11-2-8. Real Property Execution Actions - Sec. 8. An action for the recovery of real property...
34-11-2-9. Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Deposit Accounts, or Written Contracts for Payment of Money - Sec. 9. (a) As used in this section, "deposit account"...
34-11-2-10. Enforcement of Child Support Obligations - Sec. 10. An action to enforce a child support obligation...
34-11-2-10.5. Employment Related Action by Volunteer Firefighter or Member of Volunteer Emergency Medical Services Association - Sec. 10.5. An action brought by a volunteer: (1) firefighter;...
34-11-2-11. Written Contract Actions - Sec. 11. An action upon contracts in writing other than...
34-11-2-11.5. Recovery of Certain Costs - Sec. 11.5. (a) As used in this chapter, "person" has...
34-11-2-12. Satisfaction of Judgment After Expiration of 20 Years - Sec. 12. Every judgment and decree of any court of...
34-11-2-13. Foreign Country Judgment - Sec. 13. An action to recognize a foreign country judgment...
34-11-2-14. Land Surveys - Sec. 14. (a) As used in this section, "survey" means...
34-11-2-15. Civil Fertility Fraud - Sec. 15. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), an...
34-11-2-16. Female Genital Mutilation - Sec. 16. (a) An action for civil female genital mutilation...
Chapter 3. Accrual of Cause of Action; Time From Which Limitation Period Runs
34-11-3-1. Mutual, Open, and Current Accounts - Sec. 1. In an action brought to recover a balance...
Chapter 4. Tolling of Statute of Limitations: Nonresident Defendant
34-11-4-1. Tolling of Time While Nonresident - Sec. 1. The time during which the defendant is a...
34-11-4-2. Bar of Cause of Action Is Defense - Sec. 2. When: (1) a cause of action arose outside...
34-11-4-3. Disabled Persons or Members of Armed Services - Sec. 3. This chapter shall not be construed to amend...
Chapter 5. Tolling of Statute of Limitations: Concealment
34-11-5-1. Concealing Cause of Action - Sec. 1. If a person liable to an action conceals...
Chapter 6. Tolling of Statute of Limitations: Legal Disabilities
34-11-6-1. Legal Disabilities; Accrual of Action - Sec. 1. A person who is under legal disabilities when...
34-11-6-2. No Legal Disability Upon Reaching Age 18 - Sec. 2. A contract, sale, release, or conveyance executed by...
Chapter 7. Survival of Cause of Action After Death of Party
34-11-7-1. Death of Parties; Survival of Action - Sec. 1. If any person entitled to bring, or liable...
Chapter 8. Limitations on New Action After Failure of Original Suit
34-11-8-0.2. Application of Certain Amendments to Prior Law - Sec. 0.2. The amendments made to IC 34-1-2-8 (before its...
34-11-8-1. New Actions; Continuation of Action - Sec. 1. (a) This section applies if a plaintiff commences...
Chapter 9. Acknowledgment, New Promise, and Partial Payment
34-11-9-1. New or Continuing Contract - Sec. 1. An acknowledgment or promise is not evidence of...
34-11-9-2. Joint Contractor, Executor, or Administrator Liability - Sec. 2. The acknowledgment or promise of one (1) joint...
34-11-9-3. Payment; Endorsement or Memorandum - Sec. 3. This chapter does not take away or lessen...
34-11-9-4. Joint Debtor or Sureties; Payment - Sec. 4. (a) This section applies to: (1) a joint...