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Chapter 1. Funding of Juvenile Court Operations
31-31-1-1. Appropriations - Sec. 1. The county fiscal body shall appropriate sufficient money...
Chapter 2. Fees and Costs
31-31-2-1. Fees - Sec. 1. The fees in juvenile court proceedings are set...
31-31-2-2. Costs - Sec. 2. An adult who is convicted of an offense...
31-31-2-3. Other Costs Prohibited - Sec. 3. Except as provided in sections 1 and 2...
Chapter 3. Juvenile Court Magistrates and Referees in Circuits With a Population of at Least 50,000
31-31-3-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to a judicial circuit having...
31-31-3-2. Magistrates - Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) or...
31-31-3-3. Referees; Appointment - Sec. 3. The judge of a juvenile court may appoint...
31-31-3-4. Referees; Qualifications - Sec. 4. A person appointed as a part-time juvenile court...
31-31-3-5. Referees; Funding for Salaries - Sec. 5. The county shall pay the salary of a...
31-31-3-6. Referees; Duties; Findings and Recommendations; Administration of Oaths - Sec. 6. A part-time juvenile court referee: (1) shall perform...
Chapter 4. Juvenile Court Referees in Circuits With a Population of Less Than 50,000
31-31-4-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to a judicial circuit having...
31-31-4-2. Appointment - Sec. 2. The judge of a juvenile court may appoint...
31-31-4-3. Qualifications - Sec. 3. A person appointed as a part-time juvenile court...
31-31-4-4. Funding for Salaries - Sec. 4. The salary of a part-time juvenile court referee...
31-31-4-5. Duties - Sec. 5. A part-time juvenile court referee shall perform the...
Chapter 5. Juvenile Court Probation Officers
31-31-5-1. Appointment of Probation Officers and Other Employees - Sec. 1. The judge of the juvenile court shall appoint...
31-31-5-2. Compensation; Travel Expenses - Sec. 2. (a) The salary of a probation officer shall...
31-31-5-3. Duties of Chief Probation Officer - Sec. 3. The chief probation officer, under the direction of...
31-31-5-4. Duties of Probation Officers - Sec. 4. A probation officer shall, for the purpose of...
31-31-5-5. Enforcement Powers - Sec. 5. Except for carrying a handgun as authorized under...
Chapter 6. Juvenile Court Reporter
31-31-6-1. Reporter; Manner of Reporting - Sec. 1. (a) The reporter of the court having juvenile...
Chapter 7. Guardian Ad Litem or Court Appointed Special Advocate Services
31-31-7-1. Joint or Multiple County Guardian Ad Litem or Court Appointed Special Advocate Services - Sec. 1. Juvenile courts situated in adjacent counties may establish...
31-31-7-2. Contract to Provide Guardian Ad Litem or Court Appointed Special Advocate Services - Sec. 2. A juvenile court may contract to provide guardian...
Chapter 8. Juvenile Detention and Shelter Care Facilities
31-31-8-1. Inapplicability of Chapter to Shelter Care Facilities Operated by Other Governmental Entities - Sec. 1. This chapter does not apply to a shelter...
31-31-8-2. Juvenile Detention Facility; Criteria - Sec. 2. A juvenile detention facility is a secure facility...
31-31-8-3. Provision of Juvenile Detention and Shelter Care Facilities; Staff; Budget; Expenses - Sec. 3. (a) The juvenile court may establish juvenile detention...
31-31-8-4. Operation and Budget of Juvenile Detention or Juvenile Shelter Care Facility in Certain Counties - Sec. 4. (a) This section applies to a county having...
31-31-8-5. Rules - Sec. 5. (a) Juvenile detention facilities shall be operated in...
31-31-8-6. Advisory Committee - Sec. 6. The judge may appoint an advisory committee to...
Chapter 9. Juvenile Detention Facilities in Marion County
31-31-9-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to a county having a...
31-31-9-1.5. "Executive Committee" - Sec. 1.5. As used in this chapter, "executive committee" means...
31-31-9-2. Operation and Maintenance - Sec. 2. The executive committee shall operate and maintain all...
31-31-9-3. Rules; Annual Inspections and Reports - Sec. 3. (a) The juvenile detention center shall be operated...
31-31-9-4. Admission to Juvenile Detention Center - Sec. 4. The executive committee, after soliciting the views of...
31-31-9-5. Superintendent; Appointment; Term of Office - Sec. 5. The executive committee shall appoint a superintendent of...
31-31-9-6. Superintendent; Duties - Sec. 6. Under the direction of the executive committee, the...
31-31-9-7. Advisory Board; Duties; Rules - Sec. 7. (a) The juvenile detention center advisory board shall:...
31-31-9-8. Advisory Board; Members; Appointment; Qualifications - Sec. 8. (a) The advisory board consists of the following...
31-31-9-9. Advisory Board; Terms of Office; Vacancies; Reappointment; Removal - Sec. 9. (a) Terms of office for members of the...
31-31-9-10. Annual Budget - Sec. 10. The executive committee shall annually prepare the detention...
31-31-9-11. Expenses - Sec. 11. All expenses for the operation of the juvenile...
Chapter 10. Reports on Services Provided to Delinquent Children and Children in Need of Services
31-31-10-1. Maintenance of Information - Sec. 1. The probation department for the juvenile court shall...
31-31-10-2. Report on Delinquent Children and Children in Need; Filing; Contents - Sec. 2. (a) Each probation department shall, not later than...