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Chapter 1. Applicability
20-51.4-1-1. Application of Article - Sec. 1. This article applies after June 30, 2021. As...
Chapter 2. Definitions
20-51.4-2-1. Application of Definitions - Sec. 1. The definitions in this chapter apply throughout this...
20-51.4-2-2. "Account" - Sec. 2. "Account" refers to an Indiana education scholarship account...
20-51.4-2-3. "Annual Grant Amount" - Sec. 3. "Annual grant amount" refers to the annual grant...
20-51.4-2-4. "Eligible Student" - Sec. 4. "Eligible student" refers to an individual who: (1)...
20-51.4-2-5. "Fund" - Sec. 5. "Fund" refers to the Indiana education scholarship account...
20-51.4-2-6. "Participating Entity" - Sec. 6. "Participating entity" refers to an individual or entity...
20-51.4-2-7. "Program" - Sec. 7. "Program" refers to the Indiana education scholarship account...
20-51.4-2-8. "Public School" - Sec. 8. "Public school" refers to a school maintained by...
20-51.4-2-9. "Qualified Expenses" - Sec. 9. (a) "Qualified expenses" refers to the following expenses...
20-51.4-2-10. "Qualified School" - Sec. 10. "Qualified school" refers to a nonpublic school accredited...
Chapter 3. Administration of Indiana Education Scholarship Accounts
20-51.4-3-1. Indiana Education Scholarship Account Program - Sec. 1. The Indiana education scholarship account program is established...
20-51.4-3-2. Administration of the Program - Sec. 2. (a) The program shall be administered by the...
20-51.4-3-3. Annual Audit - Sec. 3. (a) The program is subject to annual audit...
20-51.4-3-4. Annual Survey - Sec. 4. (a) After June 30, 2023, the treasurer of...
20-51.4-3-5. Online Services for Parents - Sec. 5. The treasurer of state shall provide online services...
20-51.4-3-6. Advice Upon Request Relating to Services; Third Party Provider - Sec. 6. (a) The department shall provide services that offer...
20-51.4-3-7. Determination of the Number of Grant Awards; Deduction of Amounts to Cover Administrative Costs - Sec. 7. (a) For each school year, the treasurer of...
Chapter 4. Account Program Fund and Accounts
20-51.4-4-1. Establishment of Accounts; Application Process; Agreement - Sec. 1. (a) After June 30, 2022, a parent of...
20-51.4-4-2. Eligibility for Grant Amount; Termination of an Account - Sec. 2. (a) An eligible student who currently maintains an...
20-51.4-4-3. Indiana Education Scholarship Account Program Fund; Uses; Administration - Sec. 3. (a) The Indiana education scholarship account program fund...
20-51.4-4-3.5. Indiana Education Scholarship Account Administration Fund; Uses; Administration of the Program; Permitted Transfer of Funds - Sec. 3.5. (a) The Indiana education scholarship account administration fund...
20-51.4-4-4. Calculation of Annual Grant Amount - Sec. 4. (a) Subject to sections 5 and 10 of...
20-51.4-4-5. Proration of Grant Amount - Sec. 5. If an eligible student's agreement under section 1...
20-51.4-4-6. Notice to Parent; Written Explanation of Authorized Uses - Sec. 6. Upon entering into or renewing an agreement under...
20-51.4-4-7. Limitation on Use of Grant Amount for Transportation Fees - Sec. 7. A parent of an eligible student may use...
20-51.4-4-8. Payment of Qualified Expenses From Other Sources - Sec. 8. This chapter does not prohibit a parent of...
20-51.4-4-9. Payment Refunds - Sec. 9. A participating entity that receives a payment for...
20-51.4-4-10. Freezing of an Account; Notice; Petition; Termination - Sec. 10. (a) The treasurer of state shall freeze the...
20-51.4-4-11. Public School Not Required to Provide Services - Sec. 11. Notwithstanding 511 IAC 7-34-1(d)(4), a public school is...
20-51.4-4-12. Tax Treatment; Qualification for Other Programs - Sec. 12. Distributions made to an account under section 2...
Chapter 5. Participating Entities
20-51.4-5-1. Intent - Sec. 1. It is the intent of the general assembly...
20-51.4-5-2. Application Process for Participating Entities; Requirements - Sec. 2. (a) The following individuals or entities may become...
20-51.4-5-3. Statewide Assessment - Sec. 3. (a) Each qualified school that is a participating...
20-51.4-5-4. Revocation of Participating Entity's Status; Notice - Sec. 4. (a) The treasurer of state may refuse to...
20-51.4-5-5. Participating Entities; Charges and Receipts - Sec. 5. An approved participating entity: (1) may not charge...
20-51.4-5-6. Internet List of Participating Entities - Sec. 6. The treasurer of state shall annually make available...
Chapter 6. Rulemaking
20-51.4-6-1. Rules - Sec. 1. (a) The treasurer of state shall adopt rules...