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13-22-9-1. Prerequisite for Permit - Sec. 1. Except as provided in section 8 of this...
13-22-9-2. Extent - Sec. 2. The financial responsibility established under section 1 of...
13-22-9-3. Establishment - Sec. 3. Financial responsibility may be established under section 1...
13-22-9-4. Amount Necessary for Landfill - Sec. 4. The amount of financial responsibility a person must...
13-22-9-5. Amount Necessary for Transfer Station - Sec. 5. The amount of financial responsibility a person must...
13-22-9-6. Closure or Postclosure Costs; Source Upon Noncompliance - Sec. 6. The commissioner may use: (1) a trust fund...
13-22-9-7. Rules; Criteria - Sec. 7. The board shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2...
13-22-9-8. Closure and Postclosure Costs; Financial Responsibility; Self-Insurance - Sec. 8. (a) A municipal corporation that owns or operates...