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31-19-9-0.2. Application of Certain Amendments to Prior Law - Sec. 0.2. The amendments made to IC 31-3-1-6 (before its...
31-19-9-1. Consents Required - Sec. 1. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,...
31-19-9-2. Execution of Consent; Timing; Restrictions - Sec. 2. (a) The consent to adoption may be executed...
31-19-9-3. Validity of Consent Not Identifying Petitioner for Adoption; Consent to Substituting Petitioners - Sec. 3. (a) A consent to adoption that does not...
31-19-9-4. Forms - Sec. 4. The department may furnish to the clerks of...
31-19-9-5. Filing of Copies - Sec. 5. Copies of a signed consent to adoption shall...
31-19-9-6. Information and Forms Provided to Birth Parents - Sec. 6. The individual who or agency that arranges for...
31-19-9-7. Contact Preference Forms - Sec. 7. Upon request, the state registrar shall provide an...
31-19-9-8. Consent to Adoption Not Required; Written Denial of Paternity Precludes Challenge to Adoption - Sec. 8. (a) Consent to adoption, which may be required...
31-19-9-9. Parent's Crime Against Child's Other Parent; Effect on Consent Requirement - Sec. 9. A court shall determine that consent to adoption...
31-19-9-10. Parent's Crime Against Child or Child's Sibling; Effect on Consent Requirement - Sec. 10. A court shall determine that consent to adoption...
31-19-9-12. When Consent of Putative Father Irrevocably Implied - Sec. 12. A putative father's consent to adoption is irrevocably...
31-19-9-13. Challenge of Adoption or Validity of Implied Consent by Putative Father; When Precluded - Sec. 13. A putative father whose consent to adoption is...
31-19-9-14. Establishment of Paternity by Putative Father; When Precluded - Sec. 14. A putative father whose consent to adoption of...
31-19-9-15. When Consent of Putative Father Irrevocably Implied; Additional Circumstances - Sec. 15. (a) The putative father's consent to adoption of...
31-19-9-16. Challenge of Adoption or Validity of Irrevocably Implied Consent by Putative Father; When Precluded - Sec. 16. A putative father whose consent to adoption is...
31-19-9-17. Establishment of Paternity by Putative Father; Restrictions - Sec. 17. (a) A putative father whose consent to an...
31-19-9-18. When Implied Consent to Adoption Irrevocable - Sec. 18. (a) This section does not apply to the...
31-19-9-19. Implied Consent to Adoption Bar to Adoption Challenge - Sec. 19. A person whose consent to adoption is irrevocably...