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33-34-8-0.2. Application of Certain Amendments to Prior Law - Sec. 0.2. The amendments made to IC 33-11.6-4-15 (before its...
33-34-8-1. Fees and Costs - Sec. 1. (a) The following fees and costs apply to...
33-34-8-2. Transcripts - Sec. 2. The person who is designated by a judge...
33-34-8-3. Payment, Distribution, and Deposit of Costs and Fees - Sec. 3. (a) Payment for all costs made as a...
33-34-8-4. Quarterly Accounting - Sec. 4. Fees, costs, and any other amounts collected by...
33-34-8-5. Low Caseload Courts; Duties of Circuit Court Judge - Sec. 5. (a) This section applies after December 31, 2015....