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36-2-8-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to all counties. [Local Government...
36-2-8-2. Salary and Wage Periods; Manner of Payment - Sec. 2. (a) The county auditor and county treasurer may...
36-2-8-3. Report of Fees Collected and Payment Into County Treasury - Sec. 3. A county officer and the officer's deputies and...
36-2-8-4. Payment for Services Rendered - Sec. 4. A county officer or a deputy or employee...
36-2-8-5. Itemized, Verified, and Allowed Claims - Sec. 5. Compensation of deputies and employees of county officers...
36-2-8-6. Division of Compensation Prohibited; Offense - Sec. 6. A: (1) deputy or employee of a county...