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9-18.1-7-1. Conditions for Registration as Farm Vehicle - Sec. 1. A vehicle that satisfies the following conditions may...
9-18.1-7-2. Personal Use Permitted - Sec. 2. A farm vehicle may be used for personal...
9-18.1-7-3. Fee to Register Farm Vehicle That Is a Trailer With a Declared Gross Weight of More Than 9,000 Pounds - Sec. 3. Except as provided in section 7 of this...
9-18.1-7-4. Fee to Register Farm Vehicle That Is a Truck or Tractor Used With a Semitrailer - Sec. 4. Except as provided in section 7 of this...
9-18.1-7-5. Distribution of Registration Fees - Sec. 5. A fee to register a farm vehicle under...
9-18.1-7-6. Fee for Permanent Registration of Farm Vehicle That Is Semitrailer; Annual Renewal - Sec. 6. (a) The fee for permanent registration of a...
9-18.1-7-7. Partial Year Registration; Fee - Sec. 7. The fee to register a farm vehicle for...
9-18.1-7-8. Change of Registration From Farm Vehicle; Amended Certificate of Registration; Fee - Sec. 8. (a) If a person has registered a vehicle...
9-18.1-7-9. Operation of Farm Vehicle in Conduct of Commercial Enterprise; Violation - Sec. 9. A person that operates a farm vehicle: (1)...
9-18.1-7-10. Improper Operation of Farm Vehicle Is Continuing Offense - Sec. 10. The operation of a vehicle in violation of...