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8-4.5-6-1. Authorization - Sec. 1. (a) Subject to this chapter, a corridor may...
8-4.5-6-2. Places to File - Sec. 2. Before a corridor in any part of a...
8-4.5-6-3. Information to Be Filed - Sec. 3. A responsible party must file the following information...
8-4.5-6-4. Ordinances for Authorization and Regulation - Sec. 4. (a) After the responsible party completes the filings...
8-4.5-6-5. Liability for Injury - Sec. 5. (a) A property owner has no duty of...
8-4.5-6-6. Erection of Fence - Sec. 6. At the request of a property owner, the...
8-4.5-6-7. Determination by Governmental Entity - Sec. 7. A governmental entity shall determine that the requirements...