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31-14-6-0.1. Effect of Certain Amendments to Chapter on Certain Court Orders - Sec. 0.1. The amendments made to section 4 of this...
31-14-6-1. Blood or Genetic Testing - Sec. 1. Upon the motion of any party, the court...
31-14-6-2. Objections and Admissibility - Sec. 2. A party may object to the admissibility of...
31-14-6-3. Test Results; Effect; Admissibility - Sec. 3. The results of the tests and the finding...
31-14-6-4. Costs of Blood or Genetic Testing - Sec. 4. If the state or a political subdivision of...
31-14-6-5. Chain of Custody of Blood or Genetic Specimens Taken for Testing - Sec. 5. The chain of custody of blood or genetic...