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36-3-5.5-1. "Training Courses" - Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "training courses" refers...
36-3-5.5-2. Required Training Hours - Sec. 2. An individual who is appointed to or holds...
36-3-5.5-3. Training Hours Completed Before Service Begins - Sec. 3. A training course that an individual completes: (1)...
36-3-5.5-4. Recurring Training Requirements - Sec. 4. An individual shall fulfill the training requirements established...
36-3-5.5-5. Individual Appointed to Fill a Vacancy - Sec. 5. This section applies only to an individual appointed...
36-3-5.5-6. Responsibility for Compliance - Sec. 6. The: (1) executive; (2) legislative body; and (3)...
36-3-5.5-7. Recordkeeping - Sec. 7. The individual who holds an office described in...
36-3-5.5-8. Effect of Reorganization - Sec. 8. If the consolidated city reorganizes under IC 36-1.5,...