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2-5-50-1. "Task Force" - Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "task force" refers...
2-5-50-2. Task Force Established - Sec. 2. The housing task force is established. As added...
2-5-50-3. Members - Sec. 3. (a) The task force consists of the following...
2-5-50-4. Quorum; Vote Needed for Official Action; Meeting at Call of Co-Chairs - Sec. 4. (a) A majority of the members of the...
2-5-50-5. Meetings and Records Open to the Public - Sec. 5. All meetings of the task force shall be...
2-5-50-6. Study Topics - Sec. 6. The task force shall do the following: (1)...
2-5-50-7. Recommendations; Report - Sec. 7. The task force shall, not later than November...
2-5-50-8. Staff Support - Sec. 8. The legislative services agency shall staff the task...
2-5-50-9. Expiration - Sec. 9. This chapter expires January 1, 2023. As added...