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36-5-5-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to all towns. [Local Government...
36-5-5-2. Employment; Compensation; Tenure - Sec. 2. The town legislative body may employ a town...
36-5-5-3. Legislative Body Members Barred - Sec. 3. The town legislative body may not employ one...
36-5-5-4. Joint Employment - Sec. 4. The legislative bodies of two (2) or more...
36-5-5-5. Performance Bond - Sec. 5. The manager must, in the manner prescribed by...
36-5-5-6. Acting Manager - Sec. 6. The town legislative body may appoint a qualified...
36-5-5-7. Bonds, Notes, or Warrants; Prohibition - Sec. 7. The town legislative body may not authorize the...
36-5-5-8. Duties - Sec. 8. The manager, under the direction of the town...
36-5-5-9. Police Disciplinary Body Membership Barred - Sec. 9. The manager may not serve as a member...