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20-26-5-0.3. Repealed - As added by P.L.220-2011, SEC.326. Repealed by P.L.233-2015, SEC.96.
20-26-5-1. Power and Purpose to Conduct Various Education Programs - Sec. 1. (a) A school corporation shall conduct an educational...
20-26-5-2. Latch Key Programs; Waiver From State Board - Sec. 2. (a) Notwithstanding section 1 of this chapter, except...
20-26-5-3. Latch Key Programs; Required Compliance - Sec. 3. (a) This section applies to a school age...
20-26-5-4. Specific Powers - Sec. 4. (a) In carrying out the school purposes of...
20-26-5-4.3. Superintendent Contract; Public Meeting; Internet Posting - Sec. 4.3. (a) At least seven (7) days before a...
20-26-5-4.5. Superintendent and Principal; Personnel Responsibilities - Sec. 4.5. (a) The superintendent is responsible for selecting and...
20-26-5-4.7. Internet Posting of Contract Provisions for Certain Employees - Sec. 4.7. (a) This section does not apply to a:...
20-26-5-5. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-2-2.1.] As added...
20-26-5-6. Applicability of Laws Governing State Agencies - Sec. 6. All powers delegated to the governing body of...
20-26-5-7. Representation of Governing Body on Public Boards or Commissions - Sec. 7. Notwithstanding any other statute, the governing body of...
20-26-5-8. Membership in State and National Associations of Educational Nature; Participation Through Representatives - Sec. 8. (a) The governing body of a school corporation...
20-26-5-9. Classes or Services Between State Educational Institutions and School Corporations - Sec. 9. (a) A school corporation may provide programs, classes,...
20-26-5-10. Adoption of Criminal History Background and Child Protection Index Check Policy; Implementation of Policy - Sec. 10. (a) This section applies to a: (1) school...
20-26-5-10.5. Adoption of Policy to Check Employment References - Sec. 10.5. Each school corporation, charter school, and nonpublic school...
20-26-5-11. Use of Information; Notice of Conviction of Certain Offenses - Sec. 11. (a) This section applies to: (1) a school...
20-26-5-11.5. Confidentiality Agreements Void as to Substantiated Reports of Abuse or Neglect - Sec. 11.5. (a) As used in this section, "school" includes:...
20-26-5-12. Construction of Certain Provisions - Sec. 12. Except for IC 20-26-4-1, IC 20-26-4-4, and IC...
20-26-5-13. Supplemental Effect of Certain Provisions - Sec. 13. Except as provided in section 12 of this...
20-26-5-14. Liberal Construction - Sec. 14. IC 20-26-1 through IC 20-26-5, IC 20-26-7, IC...
20-26-5-15. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-6-4.] As added...
20-26-5-16. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-6-5.] As added...
20-26-5-17. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-6-6.] As added...
20-26-5-18. Authority to Join Regional School Study Councils - Sec. 18. For purposes of section 1 of this chapter...
20-26-5-19. Distribution of Payroll Based on Contractual and Salary Schedule Commitments - Sec. 19. A governing body under its powers to fix...
20-26-5-20. Use of School Facilities; Fees - Sec. 20. The governing body of any school corporation may:...
20-26-5-21. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-6-9.] As added...
20-26-5-22. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-6-10.] As added...
20-26-5-22.5. Public School Foundations - Sec. 22.5. (a) A school corporation may participate in the...
20-26-5-23. Authorization to Enter Into Agreements Concerning Student Teacher Training - Sec. 23. Public school corporations may enter into agreements with...
20-26-5-24. Contents of Student Teacher Training Agreement - Sec. 24. (a) An agreement under section 23 of this...
20-26-5-25. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-15-1.] As added...
20-26-5-26. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-15-2.] As added...
20-26-5-27. Repealed - [Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-15-3.] As added...
20-26-5-28. Authority to Establish and Maintain Nursery Schools - Sec. 28. A governing body may establish and maintain nursery...
20-26-5-29. Funding; State or Federal Aid - Sec. 29. A school corporation may establish and maintain nursery...
20-26-5-30. Maintenance and Support of Nursery School Operated by Incorporated Association - Sec. 30. A school corporation may use funds under IC...
20-26-5-31. School Corporation Police; Autism and Asperger's Syndrome Training - Sec. 31. (a) If a school corporation, including a school...
20-26-5-32. Involvement of Parents With Discipline Plan; Department's Model Discipline Plan - Sec. 32. (a) The governing body of each school corporation...
20-26-5-32.2. Employee Wage Payment Arrangements - Sec. 32.2. (a) Notwithstanding IC 22-2-5-1, a school corporation, educational...
20-26-5-32.4. Autism Information Distribution to Noncertificated Employees - Sec. 32.4. The Department of Education shall create a document...
20-26-5-33. Programs Concerning Consequences of Sharing Sexually Suggestive or Explicit Materials Through Digital Media - Sec. 33. A school corporation may offer classes, instruction, or...
20-26-5-34. Repealed - As added by P.L.23-2013, SEC.1. Repealed by P.L.233-2015, SEC.104.
20-26-5-34.2. Bullying Prevention; Training for Employees and Volunteers - Sec. 34.2. A school corporation shall provide training to the...
20-26-5-34.4. Child Suicide Awareness and Prevention Policy - Sec. 34.4. Each school corporation shall adopt a policy addressing...
20-26-5-35. Repealed - As added by P.L.286-2013, SEC.58. Repealed by P.L.233-2015, SEC.105.
20-26-5-35.5. Prohibition on Policy That Delays an Individual's Duty to Report Child Abuse or Neglect - Sec. 35.5. (a) This section applies to a: (1) school...
20-26-5-36. Annual Spending for Remediation Programs; Procedures to Adopt a Remediation Program; Public Hearing; Requirement to File an Adopted Plan With the Department - Sec. 36. (a) Each school year, the governing body of...
20-26-5-37. Types of Diplomas Offered; Students With Disabilities Not Required to Complete Local Credit Requirements to Receive Diplomas - Sec. 37. (a) A high school operated by a school...
20-26-5-37.2. School Corporation Delinquencies on Fica Taxes - Sec. 37.2. (a) This section applies to school corporations and...
20-26-5-38. School Materials for Children Detained in Juvenile Detention Facilities - Sec. 38. (a) As used in this section, "juvenile detention...
20-26-5-39. Fafsa Notification Requirements - Sec. 39. (a) Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, each...
20-26-5-40. Required Information on Student Identification Card; Required Report - Sec. 40. (a) This section applies to a student identification...
20-26-5-40.2. High School Closing; Preservation or Transfer of Memorabilia, Trophies, or Other Property - Sec. 40.2. (a) If a governing body passes a resolution...
20-26-5-40.5. Internet Use Policy; Implementation of Technology to Prevent Student Access to Material Harmful to Minors - Sec. 40.5. (a) Not later than January 1, 2022, each...
20-26-5-40.6. Learning Loss Study; Report; Report Benchmark Assessment Data; Release of Benchmark Data - Sec. 40.6. (a) Subject to subsection (c), the department shall,...
20-26-5-41. Public-Private Agreement for Construction of New School Buildings - Sec. 41. The governing body of a school corporation may...
20-26-5-42.1. Reporting Information Regarding Completion of Graduation Requirements Before Spring Count - Sec. 42.1. (a) Not later than April 15 of each...