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36-4-5-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to second and third class...
36-4-5-2. Mayor; Election; Eligibility; Term of Office - Sec. 2. (a) A mayor, who is the city executive,...
36-4-5-3. Powers and Duties - Sec. 3. The executive shall: (1) enforce the ordinances of...
36-4-5-4. Appointments - Sec. 4. The executive shall make the appointments prescribed by...
36-4-5-5. Power to Hear Complaints Against Person Issued License; Proceedings; Findings and Determination; Violation, Revocation, or Suspension - Sec. 5. On reasonable notice of at least three (3)...
36-4-5-6. Meetings With Officers in Charge of City Departments; Record - Sec. 6. At least once a month, the executive shall...
36-4-5-7. Appointment of Persons to Examine or Investigate City Accounts and Property - Sec. 7. The executive may appoint three (3) competent persons...
36-4-5-8. Absence or Inability of Executive; Designation and Service of Acting Executive - Sec. 8. (a) Whenever the executive is absent or going...
36-4-5-9. Vacancy in Office of Executive - Sec. 9. (a) The office of executive becomes vacant whenever...