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16-32-5-1. "Covered Entity" - Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "covered entity" means...
16-32-5-2. "Qualified Recipient" - Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "qualified recipient" means...
16-32-5-3. Prohibited Actions by Covered Entity - Sec. 3. A covered entity may not do any of...
16-32-5-4. Permitted Considerations by Covered Entity Regarding Anatomical Gifts or Transplantation - Sec. 4. Subject to section 5 of this chapter, if...
16-32-5-5. Qualified Recipient's Inability to Comply With Medical Requirements - Sec. 5. A covered entity may not consider a qualified...
16-32-5-6. Reasonable Modifications; Exceptions - Sec. 6. A covered entity must make reasonable modifications to...
16-32-5-7. Cause of Action - Sec. 7. (a) An individual who reasonably believes that a...