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23-18.1-4-1. Operating Agreement Requirement - Sec. 1. A master limited liability company must have an...
23-18.1-4-2. Establishment of Designated Series of Members, Managers, or Limited Liability Company Interests - Sec. 2. An operating agreement of a master limited liability...
23-18.1-4-3. Establishment of Classes or Groups of Members or Managers - Sec. 3. An operating agreement may also: (1) provide for...
23-18.1-4-4. Series With Limited Liability Treated as Separate Entity; Authority of Series - Sec. 4. (a) A series with limited liability must be...
23-18.1-4-5. Agreement by Member or Manager to Be Obligated for Debts, Obligations, and Liabilities - Sec. 5. In an operating agreement for a master limited...
23-18.1-4-6. Management of Series - Sec. 6. (a) A series may be managed, as provided...
23-18.1-4-7. Cease to Be Manager of Series; Limitation of Effect - Sec. 7. Except as otherwise provided in an operating agreement,...
23-18.1-4-8. Assignment, Transfer, or Redemption of Member's Limited Liability Company Interest; Cease Association With Series; Limitation of Effect - Sec. 8. (a) Unless otherwise provided in the operating agreement,...
23-18.1-4-9. Voting Rights - Sec. 9. (a) An operating agreement may grant to: (1)...
23-18.1-4-10. Elections by Master Limited Liability Company and Any Series - Sec. 10. (a) A master limited liability company and any...