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12-15-37-1. Review of Medicaid Recipient Populations - Sec. 1. The state department of health, with guidance and...
12-15-37-2. Waivers From Department of Health and Human Services; Eligible Projects - Sec. 2. After completing the review under section 1 of...
12-15-37-3. Affidavit - Sec. 3. The state department of health and the office...
12-15-37-4. Time Limit for Implementation - Sec. 4. If a waiver is received from the United...
12-15-37-5. Rules for Implementation - Sec. 5. The state department of health, with guidance and...
12-15-37-6. Waiver Restrictions - Sec. 6. If the state department of health and the...
12-15-37-7. Stroke Prevention and Treatment Programs - Sec. 7. The office and the state department of health...