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24-6-3-1. Weights and Measures Furnished by United States Government - Sec. 1. The: (1) standard weights and measures furnished by...
24-6-3-2. Division of Weights and Measures; Powers and Duties - Sec. 2. (a) The division of weights and measures shall...
24-6-3-3. County Inspectors; Appointment; Compensation - Sec. 3. The board of commissioners of every county of...
24-6-3-4. City Inspectors; Appointment, Service and Removal - Sec. 4. (a) The legislative body of a city having...
24-6-3-5. Powers and Duties of County and City Inspectors - Sec. 5. The county or city inspector of weights and...
24-6-3-6. Qualifications of Inspectors; Discharge and Removal - Sec. 6. Only those persons shall be eligible to appointment...
24-6-3-7. Inspection of Devices; Confirmation to Legal Standards; Tagging Nonconforming Devices - Sec. 7. Whenever the inspector of the city or county...
24-6-3-8. Seizure of Nonconforming Devices - Sec. 8. The division of weights and measures, the division's...
24-6-3-9. Entry Without Warrant; Prosecution; Hindrance of Inspector - Sec. 9. (a) The division of weights and measures, the...
24-6-3-10. Commodity Sold by Numerical Count; Weight per Ton - Sec. 10. All commodities shall be sold by standard weight...
24-6-3-10.5. Items That May Be Sold as Unweighed, Uncounted Units - Sec. 10.5. Notwithstanding any other provision, a packaged decorative fruit...
24-6-3-11. Use or Retention of False Scales; Removal of Tag - Sec. 11. No person, firm, limited liability company, or corporation...
24-6-3-12. Dry Capacity Measure; Sale of Fruits and Vegetables; Commodities; Original Standard Container; Definitions - Sec. 12. (a) All commodities shall be offered for sale...
24-6-3-13. Weighmaster; Appointment; Powers and Duties - Sec. 13. The division of weights and measures upon application...
24-6-3-14. Definitions - Sec. 14. The word "person" as used in this chapter...
24-6-3-15. Violations - Sec. 15. A person who recklessly violates this chapter commits...
24-6-3-16. Standards for Weights and Measures; Emergency Rule Adoption; Federal Standards - Sec. 16. (a) The state department may adopt emergency rules...
24-6-3-17. Adoption of Rules Requiring Posting Notices Concerning Oxygenates at Service Stations; Prohibition - Sec. 17. The state department may not adopt rules requiring...