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21-28-3-1. Enactment - Sec. 1. The Midwestern Higher Education Compact is enacted into...
21-28-3-2. Purpose - Sec. 2. ARTICLE I. PURPOSE. The purpose of the Midwestern...
21-28-3-3. The Commission - Sec. 3. ARTICLE II. THE COMMISSION. (a) The compacting states...
21-28-3-4. Powers and Duties of the Commission - Sec. 4. ARTICLE III. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION....
21-28-3-5. Activities of the Commission - Sec. 5. ARTICLE IV. ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMISSION. (a) The...
21-28-3-6. Finance - Sec. 6. ARTICLE V. FINANCE. (a) The money necessary to...
21-28-3-7. Eligible Parties and Entry Into Force - Sec. 7. ARTICLE VI. ELIGIBLE PARTIES AND ENTRY INTO FORCE....
21-28-3-8. Withdrawal, Default, and Termination - Sec. 8. ARTICLE VII. WITHDRAWAL, DEFAULT, AND TERMINATION. (a) Any...
21-28-3-9. Severability and Construction - Sec. 9. ARTICLE VIII. SEVERABILITY AND CONSTRUCTION. The provisions of...
21-28-3-10. Indiana Residents as Members; Terms; Removal; Vacancies - Sec. 10. (a) The five (5) residents of Indiana who...