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16-36-3-1. Appropriate Facility Defined - Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "appropriate facility" has...
16-36-3-2. Superintendent Defined - Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "superintendent" has the...
16-36-3-3. Methods of Consent - Sec. 3. The methods of consent set forth in this...
16-36-3-4. Consent by Superintendent of Facility - Sec. 4. Consent to medical or surgical treatment of a...
16-36-3-5. Second Medical Opinion - Sec. 5. If the superintendent and the patient's treating physician...
16-36-3-6. Second Opinion Specialist List - Sec. 6. In obtaining a second opinion as required by...
16-36-3-7. Notice to Relatives or Friends of Patient - Sec. 7. The superintendent shall attempt to notify by certified...
16-36-3-8. Concurring Second Opinion; Procedure - Sec. 8. If the superintendent has followed the procedures in...
16-36-3-9. Superintendent Immune From Liability - Sec. 9. A superintendent who, without malice, bad faith, or...
16-36-3-10. Report of Medical Treatments Approved - Sec. 10. The superintendent shall compile a report of all...