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12-14-29-1. "Reentry Court Program" - Sec. 1. "Reentry court program", for purposes of this chapter,...
12-14-29-2. Eligibility for Snap Program - Sec. 2. Under this chapter, an individual is eligible for...
12-14-29-3. Eligibility for Tanf Program - Sec. 3. Under this chapter, an individual is eligible for...
12-14-29-4. State Election to Opt Out - Sec. 4. In accordance with 21 U.S.C. 862a(d)(1), the state...
12-14-29-5. Court Referral for Snap and Tanf Benefits; 12 Month Tanf Benefit Limitation - Sec. 5. (a) If referred by a court, an individual...
12-14-29-6. Modification or Revocation of Court Order - Sec. 6. A court may modify or revoke an order...
12-14-29-7. Court Notification to Division of Family Resources Local Office - Sec. 7. A court shall immediately notify the division of...