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4-23-27-1. "Board" Defined - Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "board" refers to...
4-23-27-2. Establishment - Sec. 2. The children's health policy board is established. As...
4-23-27-3. Members - Sec. 3. The board consists of the following members: (1)...
4-23-27-4. Chair - Sec. 4. The governor shall appoint a member of the...
4-23-27-5. Quorum - Sec. 5. (a) Four (4) members of the board constitute...
4-23-27-6. Meetings - Sec. 6. (a) The board shall meet monthly at the...
4-23-27-7. Duties - Sec. 7. The board shall direct policy coordination of children's...
4-23-27-8. Expertise of Other Boards - Sec. 8. The board may draw upon the expertise of...