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12-17.2-2.5-1. Establishment of Committees - Sec. 1. The division shall establish a child care advisory...
12-17.2-2.5-2. Purpose - Sec. 2. The purpose of each committee is to provide...
12-17.2-2.5-3. Membership - Sec. 3. Each committee must consist of members appointed: (1)...
12-17.2-2.5-4. Meetings - Sec. 4. Meetings of each committee must be held on...
12-17.2-2.5-5. Attendance - Sec. 5. The child care administrator of the division (or...
12-17.2-2.5-6. Annual Reports - Sec. 6. Each committee shall annually report to the interim...
12-17.2-2.5-7. Compensation - Sec. 7. Members of each committee serve without compensation. As...