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5-10.1-2-1. Intent - Sec. 1. Intent. The procedures of this article are established...
5-10.1-2-2. Authorization - Sec. 2. Authorization. The state agency with the approval of...
5-10.1-2-3. Coverage - Sec. 3. Coverage. (a) The agreement must cover services which...
5-10.1-2-4. Effective Date - Sec. 4. Effective Date. The agreement or a modification to...
5-10.1-2-5. Payment to Secretary of Treasury - Sec. 5. Payment to the Secretary of Treasury. The state...
5-10.1-2-6. Permissible Provisions - Sec. 6. Permissible Provisions. The agreement may contain such provisions...
5-10.1-2-7. Termination of Coverage - Sec. 7. Termination of Coverage. Coverage by the Social Security...
5-10.1-2-8. Rules and Regulations - Sec. 8. Rules and Regulations. The state agency may make...
5-10.1-2-9. Exclusion of Election Workers - Sec. 9. (a) The agreement shall be modified to exclude...