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25-5.1-2-1. Board Established - Sec. 1. The Indiana athletic trainers board is established. As...
25-5.1-2-2. Members - Sec. 2. (a) The board consists of five (5) members...
25-5.1-2-3. Continuation of Practice - Sec. 3. An individual appointed to the board who is...
25-5.1-2-4. Terms of Office; Removal of Members - Sec. 4. (a) The term of office for each member...
25-5.1-2-5. Vacancies - Sec. 5. A vacancy on the board shall be filled...
25-5.1-2-6. Powers and Duties - Sec. 6. The board shall do the following: (1) Organize...
25-5.1-2-7. Compensation of Members - Sec. 7. (a) Each member of the board who is...