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12-24-17-1. "Administrator" Defined - Sec. 1. (a) As used in this chapter, "administrator" means...
12-24-17-2. "Patient" Defined - Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "patient" means an...
12-24-17-3. Neglect, Abuse, or Maltreatment of a Patient in a State Institution; Penalty - Sec. 3. A person who: (1) neglects, when the person...
12-24-17-4. Knowledge of Alleged Violation of Ic 12-24-17-3; Failure to Make Written Report to Superintendent - Sec. 4. A person who: (1) knows of an alleged...
12-24-17-5. Receipt by Superintendent of Report of Alleged Violation; Investigation; Reporting Requirements - Sec. 5. (a) A superintendent who receives a written report...
12-24-17-6. Unauthorized Dealing or Contracting by State Institution Employee With or for a Patient Concerning Money or Property - Sec. 6. An employee of a state institution who does...
12-24-17-7. Enticing or Taking a Patient Away or Aiding a Patient to Escape From the Custody of an Administrator or a Superintendent - Sec. 7. A person who: (1) recklessly entices or takes...
12-24-17-8. Releasing Information Concerning a Patient's Medical Records or Treatment Without Written Consent of Patient, Parent, or Guardian - Sec. 8. A person who knowingly or intentionally releases information...