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21-18-16-1. "Outcomes Based Funding Formula" - Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "outcomes based funding...
21-18-16-2. Duty to Create Formula; Align With Long Range Plan for Postsecondary Education - Sec. 2. (a) The commission shall create a higher educational...
21-18-16-3. Funding Formula Subject to Review by Budget Committee; Funding Formula Report - Sec. 3. (a) An outcomes based funding formula approved by...
21-18-16-4. Duty to Present Funding Results for Each State Educational Institution at Budget Hearing - Sec. 4. The executive officer of the commission, or the...
21-18-16-5. Duty to Measure and Make Findings on Progress in Meeting Long Range Plan With Regard to the Funding Formula; Present Findings - Sec. 5. (a) The commission shall biannually measure and make...
21-18-16-6. Audit of Data Submitted by Educational Institutions - Sec. 6. (a) The commission shall biannually engage an independent...