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12-26-15-1. Annual Review; Contents; Filing With Court; Notice; Report on Individual Committed After Verdict of Not Responsible by Reason of Insanity - Sec. 1. (a) At least annually, and more often if...
12-26-15-2. Receipt by Court of Review; Options; Appointment of Guardian - Sec. 2. (a) Upon receipt of the report required by...
12-26-15-3. Requesting Hearing for Review or Dismissal of Commitment or Order; Frequency of Commitment Reviews; Hearing Date - Sec. 3. (a) Upon receiving a copy of the court...
12-26-15-4. Rights of Committed Individual; Hearing Procedures - Sec. 4. (a) The rights of a committed individual are...
12-26-15-5. Discharge Before End of Commitment Period or Court Ordered Therapy Program Period; Notice to Court of Discharge or Release From Therapy Program - Sec. 5. (a) Unless the court has entered an order...