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31-32-13-1. Motion for Issuance of Order - Sec. 1. Upon a juvenile court's motion or upon the...
31-32-13-2. Hearing and Consideration of Matter - Sec. 2. The juvenile court may: (1) immediately set a...
31-32-13-3. Notice - Sec. 3. The juvenile court must give notice to any...
31-32-13-4. Finding; Admissible Evidence - Sec. 4. The court shall issue an order under section...
31-32-13-5. Specificity of Order - Sec. 5. An order issued under section 1 of this...
31-32-13-6. Duration of Order; Extension, Modification, or Dissolution - Sec. 6. An order issued under section 1 of this...
31-32-13-7. Issuance of Emergency Order - Sec. 7. If: (1) the juvenile court determines on the...
31-32-13-8. Duration of Emergency Order - Sec. 8. (a) An emergency order issued under section 7...
31-32-13-9. Protective Order Depositories; Confidential Form - Sec. 9. When a court issues an order or an...