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11-10-13-1. Methodology for Determining the Average Daily Cost of Incarcerating an Offender - Sec. 1. The department shall develop a methodology for determining...
11-10-13-2. Department's Duty to Determine the Average Daily Cost of Incarceration - Sec. 2. The department shall determine the average daily cost...
11-10-13-3. Report of Cost of Incarceration to Be Provided to Certain Criminal Courts - Sec. 3. The department shall provide each court with jurisdiction...
11-10-13-4. Report to Be Updated Biannually; Exception - Sec. 4. (a) The department shall update the report described...
11-10-13-5. Use of County Data by the Department - Sec. 5. The department may use the semiannual incarceration cost...
11-10-13-6. Annual Actuarial Study of Projected Costs of Incarceration; Study to Be Provided to Legislative Council - Sec. 6. (a) The department shall annually conduct or contract...
11-10-13-7. Rulemaking Authority - Sec. 7. The department may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2...