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4-12-12-1. Account Established; Purpose - Sec. 1. The state technology advancement and retention (STAR) account...
4-12-12-2. Budget Agency; Administration of Account - Sec. 2. The budget agency shall administer the STAR account....
4-12-12-3. Components of Account - Sec. 3. The account consists of money, including federal money,...
4-12-12-4. Investment of Account - Sec. 4. The treasurer of state shall invest the money...
4-12-12-5. Reversion of Account - Sec. 5. Money in the account at the end of...
4-12-12-6. Dedicated Uses of Account - Sec. 6. Money in the account that is not otherwise...
4-12-12-7. Expenses of Administering Account - Sec. 7. Expenses for administering the account or any of...