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20-24-12-1. Establishment - Sec. 1. The charter school facilities assistance program is established....
20-24-12-2. Purpose - Sec. 2. The purpose of the program is to make...
20-24-12-3. Department to Administer Program - Sec. 3. The department shall administer the program. As added...
20-24-12-4. Fund - Sec. 4. (a) The charter school facilities assistance fund is...
20-24-12-5. Federal Funds - Sec. 5. The department may apply to the United States...
20-24-12-6. Use of Funds - Sec. 6. The department may authorize money in the fund...
20-24-12-7. Procedures for Providing Grants and Loans - Sec. 7. (a) The department shall establish written procedures for...
20-24-12-8. Criteria for Receiving Grant or Loan - Sec. 8. In making its determination to approve or disapprove...
20-24-12-9. Grant or Loan on per Student Basis - Sec. 9. The department may make grants or loans under...
20-24-12-10. Conditions Applying to Loan - Sec. 10. The following apply to a loan from the...
20-24-12-11. Repayment of Loans - Sec. 11. A charter school receiving a loan under this...
20-24-12-12. Department to Withhold Loan Repayments - Sec. 12. The department shall withhold the amount of the...