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8-4-12-1. Forfeiture of Rights, Privileges, and Franchises - Sec. 1. Any railroad company organized under a special charter,...
8-4-12-2. Takeover of Derelict Company by New Company; Appraisement - Sec. 2. Any company that is or that may be...
8-4-12-3. Payment of Appraised Value; Disposition - Sec. 3. The money so paid, as is provided in...
8-4-12-4. Fees of Appraisers - Sec. 4. The said appraisers shall receive for their service,...
8-4-12-5. Evidence of Abandonment - Sec. 5. Any such railroad company whose road is incomplete...
8-4-12-6. Annual Financial Statement and Report; Filing - Sec. 6. All railroad companies in this state, or whose...
8-4-12-7. Completion of Road by Transferee Company - Sec. 7. Whenever any railroad company, coming within the provision...