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36-7-11.3-1. Purpose of Chapter - Sec. 1. (a) The purpose of this chapter is to...
36-7-11.3-2. "Commission" Defined - Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "commission" refers to...
36-7-11.3-3. "Development Commission" Defined - Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "development commission" means...
36-7-11.3-4. "Family" Defined - Sec. 4. (a) As used in this chapter, "family" means...
36-7-11.3-5. "Interested Party" Defined - Sec. 5. As used in this chapter, "interested party" means...
36-7-11.3-6. "Notice" Defined - Sec. 6. As used in this chapter, "notice" means written...
36-7-11.3-7. "Occupant" Defined - Sec. 7. As used in this chapter, "occupant" means a...
36-7-11.3-8. "Owner" Defined - Sec. 8. As used in this chapter, "owner" means a...
36-7-11.3-9. "Person" Defined - Sec. 9. As used in this chapter, "person" means an...
36-7-11.3-10. "Primary Property" Defined - Sec. 10. As used in this chapter, "primary property" means...
36-7-11.3-11. "Secondary Property" Defined - Sec. 11. As used in this chapter, "secondary property" means...
36-7-11.3-12. "Single Family or Double Family Residential Dwellings" Defined - Sec. 12. As used in this chapter, "single family or...
36-7-11.3-13. "Society" Defined - Sec. 13. As used in this chapter, "society" refers to...
36-7-11.3-14. "Subject Property" Defined - Sec. 14. As used in this chapter, "subject property" means...
36-7-11.3-15. Designation of Preservation Area - Sec. 15. The legislative body of a municipality may adopt...
36-7-11.3-16. Primary and Secondary Areas - Sec. 16. (a) A preservation area consists of: (1) a...
36-7-11.3-17. Size of Preservation Area - Sec. 17. A preservation area may not be larger than...
36-7-11.3-18. Creation of Preservation Commission - Sec. 18. (a) Upon designating a preservation area and the...
36-7-11.3-19. Members of Commission - Sec. 19. A preservation commission created under this chapter is...
36-7-11.3-20. Term of Office - Sec. 20. An appointed member of the commission holds office...
36-7-11.3-21. Adoption of Rules - Sec. 21. The commission shall prepare, adopt, and promulgate the...
36-7-11.3-22. Material Filed With Commission - Sec. 22. Notices, petitions, requests, or other written materials to...
36-7-11.3-23. Notice - Sec. 23. (a) Whenever notice is required to be given...
36-7-11.3-24. Attorney - Sec. 24. The attorney general or a deputy attorney general...
36-7-11.3-25. Regular Meetings - Sec. 25. (a) The rules and regulations of the commission...
36-7-11.3-26. Special Meetings - Sec. 26. (a) The chair of the commission: (1) may,...
36-7-11.3-27. Continuance - Sec. 27. For good cause shown, the chair of the...
36-7-11.3-28. Evidence Filed by Person With Interests Adverse to Petitioner - Sec. 28. The commission may, before a hearing on a...
36-7-11.3-29. Quorum - Sec. 29. (a) A quorum of the commission consists of...
36-7-11.3-30. Reasons for Disqualification of Members From Voting on Matters; Abstention of Member - Sec. 30. (a) A member of the commission is not...
36-7-11.3-31. Private Deliberations; Conditions of Favorable Vote; Private Agreement on Conditions - Sec. 31. (a) Upon the conclusion of the hearing on...
36-7-11.3-32. Final Written Orders - Sec. 32. (a) Not later than thirty (30) days after...
36-7-11.3-33. Temporary Orders - Sec. 33. (a) If the commission determines affirmatively a matter...
36-7-11.3-34. Proposed Temporary or Final Orders - Sec. 34. (a) Not later than five (5) days after...
36-7-11.3-35. Prohibited Actions - Sec. 35. The commission may not take action on a...
36-7-11.3-36. Written Agreement Required for Zoning Variance or Certificate of Appropriateness - Sec. 36. (a) The commission may, by the vote of...
36-7-11.3-37. Provisions in Agreement - Sec. 37. An agreement signed under section 36 of this...
36-7-11.3-38. Filing of Agreement Before Hearing; Notice - Sec. 38. A petitioner shall do the following: (1) File...
36-7-11.3-39. Filing of Agreement With County Recorder - Sec. 39. (a) If after a public hearing the commission...
36-7-11.3-40. Amended Agreement; Dismissal of Petition - Sec. 40. (a) If after a public hearing the commission...
36-7-11.3-41. Abrogation of Covenant or Agreement - Sec. 41. (a) A covenant or an agreement made under...
36-7-11.3-42. Minutes of Meetings - Sec. 42. (a) The commission shall keep complete minutes of...
36-7-11.3-43. Fees - Sec. 43. (a) The commission shall, by rule adopted under...
36-7-11.3-44. Money for Administration of Chapter - Sec. 44. The commission may accept money from any source...
36-7-11.3-45. Zoning Variance; Approval by Commission - Sec. 45. An administrative, a legislative, or other governmental body...
36-7-11.3-46. Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to Primary or Secondary Property Prohibited - Sec. 46. (a) The development commission may not: (1) approve...
36-7-11.3-47. Prohibited Results of Zoning Ordinance or Amendment - Sec. 47. The conclusions required by sections 45 and 46...
36-7-11.3-48. Notice of Filing of Petition; Evidence Available to Commission - Sec. 48. (a) Notice of: (1) the filing of a...
36-7-11.3-49. Procedures for Consideration of Zoning Matters Referred by Development Commission - Sec. 49. (a) The provisions of this chapter concerning: (1)...
36-7-11.3-50. Requirements for Petition Filed by Person Seeking Zoning Variance - Sec. 50. (a) A petition that is filed by a...
36-7-11.3-51. Requirements for Petition Filed by Person Requesting New or Amended Zoning Ordinance Affecting Primary or Secondary Property - Sec. 51. (a) A petition that is filed by a...
36-7-11.3-52. Notice Requirements - Sec. 52. (a) A person who has filed a petition...
36-7-11.3-53. Preservation Area Exemptions - Sec. 53. Sections 54, 55, and 56 of this chapter...
36-7-11.3-54. Conditions for Erection of New Structure on Primary Property - Sec. 54. A new structure may not be erected upon...
36-7-11.3-55. Subdivision of Primary Property Into Lots - Sec. 55. A parcel of primary property may not be...
36-7-11.3-56. Conditions for Altering Structure or Feature on Primary Property - Sec. 56. (a) A person may not construct on primary...
36-7-11.3-57. Restrictions on Owners and Occupants of Primary and Secondary Property - Sec. 57. (a) As used in this section, "bedroom" means...
36-7-11.3-58. Powers of Interested Parties; Private Right of Action to Restrain, Enjoin, or Enforce Orders - Sec. 58. (a) Each interested party: (1) has a private...
36-7-11.3-59. Judicial Review - Sec. 59. A final determination by the commission is subject...
36-7-11.3-60. Appeals - Sec. 60. An appeal may be taken to the court...
36-7-11.3-61. Dissolution of Commission - Sec. 61. (a) The legislative body that created a commission...
36-7-11.3-62. Redefining Preservation Area - Sec. 62. The legislative body may at any time redefine:...
36-7-11.3-63. Cumulative Nature of Chapter - Sec. 63. This chapter is cumulative to and does not...