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36-7-11.1-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to each county having a...
36-7-11.1-2. Definitions - Sec. 2. As used in this chapter: "Commission" refers to...
36-7-11.1-3. Historic Preservation Commission; Appointments; Terms; Vacancies; Salary; Officers; Procedural Rules; Quorum; Absentee Members Voting - Sec. 3. (a) The executive and the legislative body of...
36-7-11.1-4. Administrator; Staff; Work Program; Information; Offices and Facilities; Annual Budget - Sec. 4. (a) After consulting with the executive of the...
36-7-11.1-5. Powers and Duties of Commission - Sec. 5. (a) The commission may do the following: (1)...
36-7-11.1-6. Proposed Historic Preservation Plans; Recommendations; Approval Proceedings; Official Markers - Sec. 6. (a) The commission shall have its staff prepare...
36-7-11.1-7. Categories of Work Exempted by Historic Preservation Plan; Premature Issuance of Permits for Work - Sec. 7. (a) The historic preservation plan may provide that...
36-7-11.1-8. Permits for Work; Application; Certificate of Appropriateness - Sec. 8. (a) After adoption of the historic preservation plan...
36-7-11.1-9. Necessity of Certificate of Appropriateness; Filing Application; Issuance Procedure - Sec. 9. (a) A person may not construct any exterior...
36-7-11.1-10. Certificate of Appropriateness; Determination of Commission - Sec. 10. (a) If the commission determines that the proposed...
36-7-11.1-11. Hearing Officer; Powers and Duties - Sec. 11. (a) A hearing officer designated by the commission...
36-7-11.1-12. Enforcement of Chapter, Ordinance, and Covenants; Notice to Correct Failures or Violations - Sec. 12. (a) Whenever the commission finds that the owner...
36-7-11.1-13. Nonconforming Uses - Sec. 13. (a) Except as provided in section 13.1 of...
36-7-11.1-13.1. Agricultural Nonconforming Use - Sec. 13.1. (a) The definitions used in this section apply...
36-7-11.1-14. Effect of Chapter on Existing Laws - Sec. 14. This chapter does not supersede IC 36-7-11.2 or...