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12-26-11-1. Transfers; Facilities to Which Transfers May Be Made; Best Interest of Individual Transferred or Other Patients - Sec. 1. The superintendent of a facility to which an...
12-26-11-2. Declining to Admit Individual; Grounds - Sec. 2. The superintendent of a facility to which the...
12-26-11-3. Medical and Treatment Records; Providing Copies to Facilities to Which Individuals Transferred - Sec. 3. If an individual is transferred under section 1...
12-26-11-3.5. Transfer From State Institution to Nonstate Community or Facility; Planning and Facilitating Transition - Sec. 3.5. If an individual is transferred under section 1...
12-26-11-4. Notice of Transfer; Persons Notified - Sec. 4. If the commitment of an individual is transferred...
12-26-11-5. Transfer to Substantially More Restrictive Environment; Administrative Hearing - Sec. 5. (a) As used in this section, "substantially more...
12-26-11-6. Petition to Set Aside Transfer - Sec. 6. An individual whose commitment is transferred under section...