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10-19-11-1. Public Policy - Sec. 1. Whereas radiation may improve the health, welfare, and...
10-19-11-2. Definitions - Sec. 2. (a) The definitions set forth in this section...
10-19-11-3. Inspection and Investigation - Sec. 3. (a) The department or the department's agent may...
10-19-11-4. Regulation of Byproduct Material, Source Material, and Special Nuclear Material; Agreement With Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Sec. 4. (a) Byproduct material shall be licensed and regulated...
10-19-11-5. Duty to Register Source of Radiation - Sec. 5. If a person receives, possesses, uses, transfers, owns,...
10-19-11-6. Registration or Licensing of Person That Produces, Uses, Stores, or Disposes of Radioactive Materials - Sec. 6. (a) A person shall not produce, use, store,...
10-19-11-7. Duty of Person Transporting, Handling, Using, or Storing Ionizing Radiation Sources - Sec. 7. A person transporting, handling, using, storing, or keeping...
10-19-11-8. Rules - Sec. 8. In addition to adopting rules under section 4(f)...
10-19-11-9. Violations - Sec. 9. A person who: (1) produces radiation; or (2)...