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10-16-11-1. Appropriation - Sec. 1. The general assembly may appropriate the sums necessary...
10-16-11-2. Governor's Civil and Military Contingency Fund; Expenses; Warrants for Payment - Sec. 2. The governor's civil and military contingency fund: (1)...
10-16-11-3. Governor's Civil and Military Contingency Fund; Organization of National Guard; Boards of Examination, Inquiry, and Survey; Collection of Fines - Sec. 3. The governor may, by general order: (1) provide...
10-16-11-4. Council of Administration - Sec. 4. (a) The commanding officer of a company and...
10-16-11-5. Council of Administration; Record of Proceedings; Publication - Sec. 5. (a) The junior member of the council shall:...
10-16-11-6. Council of Administration; Signatures on Records - Sec. 6. (a) The proceedings of councils of administration shall...
10-16-11-7. Council of Administration; Audit and Settlement of Accounts - Sec. 7. The council of administration shall: (1) audit and...
10-16-11-8. Compensation; Personally Present for Duty; Payrolls; Signatures - Sec. 8. (a) An officer or a member of the...
10-16-11-9. Failure to Render Satisfactory Accounts - Sec. 9. An officer of the Indiana national guard charged...
10-16-11-10. Trustee; Other Funds; Separate Funds - Sec. 10. (a) The governor, as trustee, may receive from...