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5-13-11-1. Contract With Depository - Sec. 1. The county board of finance for a county...
5-13-11-2. Requirements of Investment Contracts; Awarding of Contracts - Sec. 2. (a) The contract must: (1) be in writing;...
5-13-11-2.5. Contract Renewal - Sec. 2.5. (a) A contract may be renewed under this...
5-13-11-3. Service Charge for Management of System; Payment by Direct Charge or From Interest Earned - Sec. 3. The contract may provide for the depository to...
5-13-11-4. Monthly Report of Transactions - Sec. 4. The depository shall furnish the political subdivision with...
5-13-11-5. Interest or Accretion - Sec. 5. The depository shall credit any interest or other...