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7.1-3-11-1. Dining Car Liquor Permits - Sec. 1. Dining Car Liquor Permits. The commission may issue...
7.1-3-11-2. Scope of Permit - Sec. 2. Scope of Permit. The restrictions, limitations, and provisions...
7.1-3-11-3. Display of Permit - Sec. 3. Display of Permit. The original dining car liquor...
7.1-3-11-4. Renewals - Sec. 4. Renewals. The holder of a dining car liquor...
7.1-3-11-5. Excise Tax - Sec. 5. Excise Tax. The holder of a dining car...
7.1-3-11-6. Shipments by Carrier - Sec. 6. Shipments by Carrier. Nothing contained in a dining...
7.1-3-11-7. Repealed - [Pre-1973 Recodification Citations: 7-3-3-1; 7-3-3-2.] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1....
7.1-3-11-8. Repealed - [Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-3-3-1.] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. Repealed...
7.1-3-11-9. Boat Liquor Permits - Sec. 9. Boat Liquor Permits. The commission may issue a...
7.1-3-11-10. Scope of Permit - Sec. 10. (a) The holder of a boat liquor permit...