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14-33-11-1. Purpose of Bonds - Sec. 1. The board may issue bonds to pay the...
14-33-11-2. Total Amount of Bonds - Sec. 2. The total amount of bonds issued may not...
14-33-11-3. Method of Issuance - Sec. 3. Bonds may be issued by either of the...
14-33-11-4. Payment of Bonds - Sec. 4. (a) Revenue bonds issued for the payment of...
14-33-11-5. Restrictions in Issuance - Sec. 5. (a) Bonds: (1) may be issued in any...
14-33-11-6. Negotiability, Registration, Advertisement, and Sale - Sec. 6. Bonds issued: (1) must be negotiable; (2) may...
14-33-11-7. Interest of Directors; Disclosure - Sec. 7. (a) This section applies to a district: (1)...
14-33-11-8. Notice of Sale; Right to Remonstrate Against or Vote Against Bonds - Sec. 8. (a) Before offering bonds for sale, the board...
14-33-11-9. Denial of Right to Issue Bonds - Sec. 9. If the board is denied the right to...