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4-29.5-10-1. Taxation - Sec. 1. Tax Parity. Nothing in this Compact shall be...
4-29.5-10-2. Minority and Women-Owned Businesses - Sec. 2. Minority and Women-Owned Businesses. The Band agrees that...
4-29.5-10-3. Child Support Withholdings - Sec. 3. Child Support Withholdings. If the Band is required...
4-29.5-10-4. Emergency Plan - Sec. 4. Emergency Plan. The Band shall within thirty (30)...
4-29.5-10-5. Political Donations - Sec. 5. Political donations. Any Band elected official, any entity...
4-29.5-10-6. Voluntary Exclusion Program - Sec. 6. Voluntary Exclusion Program. The Band shall make all...
4-29.5-10-7. Indiana Gaming Commission Exclusion List - Sec. 7. IGC Exclusion List. The Band shall eject or...
4-29.5-10-8. Alcohol - Sec. 8. Notwithstanding IC 7.1-5-5-7, the Band, upon approval by...