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21-34-10-1. Bonds; Approval of Budget Committee, Budget Agency, and Governor - Sec. 1. (a) Bonds may not be issued by the...
21-34-10-2. Actions of General Assembly - Sec. 2. (a) Except: (1) for grant anticipation notes; and...
21-34-10-3. Issuance of Bonds; Debt Service Reserves; Bond or Reserve Insurance; Other Costs - Sec. 3. In addition to and in connection with the...
21-34-10-4. Maximum Amount of Bonds - Sec. 4. Bonds, regardless of when the amount of bonds...
21-34-10-5. Power to Issue Bonds - Sec. 5. A power granted under this chapter to issue...
21-34-10-6. Issuance of Bonds Without Approval of the General Assembly; Maximum Amount - Sec. 6. Bonds may be issued by the board of...
21-34-10-7. Issuance of Energy Savings Bonds; Limitations; General Assembly Approval - Sec. 7. (a) Bonds may be issued by the board...
21-34-10-8. Issuance of Bonds Without Approval of the General Assembly for Deferred Expenditures - Sec. 8. Bonds may be issued by the board of...