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24-2-1-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter - Sec. 0.1. The following amendments to this chapter apply as...
24-2-1-0.5. Intent; Judicial or Administrative Interpretation - Sec. 0.5. This chapter is intended to provide a system...
24-2-1-1. Repealed - Formerly: Acts 1955, c.174, s.1. As amended by P.L.152-1986, SEC.21....
24-2-1-2. Definitions - Sec. 2. The following definitions apply throughout this chapter: (1)...
24-2-1-3. Registerability - Sec. 3. A mark by which the goods or services...
24-2-1-4. Electronic Application - Sec. 4. (a) Subject to the limitations of this chapter,...
24-2-1-4.5. Examination; Amended Electronic Application; Component of Mark Not Eligible for Registration; Reexamination; Concurrent Applications; Civil Action - Sec. 4.5. (a) If a person files an electronic application...
24-2-1-5. Certificate of Registration - Sec. 5. (a) If an applicant complies with the requirements...
24-2-1-6. Duration and Renewal - Sec. 6. (a) Registration of a mark under this chapter...
24-2-1-7. Renewal of Registration in Force on July 1, 2006 - Sec. 7. A registration in force on July 1, 2006,...
24-2-1-8. Assignment - Sec. 8. (a) A mark and the registration of a...
24-2-1-8.5. Certificate of Change of Name - Sec. 8.5. (a) A registrant or an applicant who changes...
24-2-1-9. Records - Sec. 9. The secretary shall keep for public examination a...
24-2-1-10. Registration Cancellation - Sec. 10. The secretary shall cancel from the register in...
24-2-1-11. Rules; Classification of Goods and Services; Electronic Application - Sec. 11. (a) The secretary may adopt rules under IC...
24-2-1-12. Damages for Fraudulent Registration - Sec. 12. (a) A person who shall for himself or...
24-2-1-13. Infringement - Sec. 13. Subject to the provisions of section 15 of...
24-2-1-13.5. Fanciful Marks; Famous Marks; Injunctive Relief; Remedies; Attorney's Fees - Sec. 13.5. (a) This section applies only to fanciful marks,...
24-2-1-14. Remedies - Sec. 14. (a) An owner of a mark registered under...
24-2-1-14.5. Cancellation; Action to Compel Registration; Jurisdiction - Sec. 14.5. (a) An action for cancellation of a mark...
24-2-1-15. Common Law Rights - Sec. 15. This chapter does not adversely affect the rights...
24-2-1-15.3. Fees - Sec. 15.3. (a) The secretary shall collect the following fees...
24-2-1-16. Repealed - Formerly: Acts 1955, c.174, s.17. As amended by P.L.152-1986, SEC.33....